Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is a Women Circle and why you should try it?


Since immemorial times and in all traditions, women have always come together to share their life experiences, their daily lives, their worries, and their sorrows, but also to celebrate their femininity (rites of passage, childbirth, death, etc.), to share and transmit feminine knowledge and to heal together.

Since immemorial times and in all traditions, women have always come together to share their life experiences, their daily lives, their worries, and their sorrows, but also to celebrate their femininity (rites of passage, childbirth, death, etc.), to share and transmit feminine knowledge and to heal together.

The arrival of patriarchy has had the consequence of creating rivalry and competition between women and today, more than ever, women need to reconnect with their feminine part to be able to find this benevolent harmony brought by the sisterhood of ancient times.

During women's circles, themes specific to women are discussed: menstrual cycle, maternity, couple, sexuality, diseases of the feminine, spirituality, but not only. As daughters of the Great Goddess, we also reconnect to our divine essence and celebrate the Sacred Feminine in all its forms. We remember our connection to the earth and the moon but also to the sky and the sun, we relearn how to listen to our needs and our body, to respect it, and honor its power, its sensuality, and its beauty, like its vulnerability. We rediscover the power of forgiveness and non-judgment. It is sometimes, even often, necessary to reconnect ourselves to our power of life, which sits in our pelvis, and from which we have cut ourselves off to protect ourselves.

All this work is done through speech, creativity, dance, meditation, and any other activity that encourages expression and letting go to reconnect with our female body and our divine feminine essence.

The different rituals practiced allow us to engage with ourselves and regular participation in the circles promotes our journey through the different female archetypes: the priestess, the initiator, the mother, the goddess, the healer... They all take their place in our lives.

The shape of the circle inherently contains the principle of equality. There is no division, no hierarchy. Each woman has her place in the circle; each is important, in its unique and universal truth and essence at the same time.

The circles I offer are inspired by different ancient traditions: Native American (Womb Keeper, Rite of the 13 Moons, Healing of Ancestral Lineages) and Eastern (Tantra, Shakti Healing) mainly as well as other more modern practices.

Women of all ages and backgrounds can participate in the circles as they are not conditioned by any belief or religion. The most important thing is to be kind and non-judgmental towards the other participants.

The benefits of the women's circle:

  • Reconnect to the biological rhythms of the body and harmonization of your feminine cycle

  • A feeling of peace and well-being

  • Strengthening of self-confidence (in yourself and others) through the bond with other women

  • Renewed energy and self-love

  • Reconnect to your inner power

  • Awakening your power of creativity

  • Connection to the divine part in oneself and discover the power of your energies.

  • Take care of your emotions and accept them.

  • Share your story.

  • Listen to your intuition.



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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss


What is the Astral Shakti Healing®?

The Astral Shakti Healing® therapy is based on the tantric teachings of the ancient feminine wisdom of the East and was created by Akbal Sandoval (,

It is a therapy focused on the harmonization of the energy centers of the woman, mainly the sexual chakra and the heart chakra (physical, emotional, and energetic healing)

It will heal the bonds with the father and the mother and thus with all the women and all the men in your life.

It will also heal the relationship with oneself to be able to recognize one’s beauty and express it freely without fear.

The Astral Shakti Healing® treatment is a magical energy surgery and works through the connection to the mother goddess, to the feminine energy of the universe, to make it flow within you and awaken the feminine beauty that you have come to manifest by choosing to be born as a woman.

The healing work is a combination of remote energy healing and guided meditation that will take you to the Shakti Garden Temple in the astral plane, a powerful place to activate the Light Codes. 

This magical journey is designed to move and unblock stagnant energies and to reconnect the womb with the heart, for when they are disconnected the woman vibrates from her masculinity.

This therapy, which is an auric "reset", is performed to cleanse the energy of the aura and restore it, leaving it like a baby's aura, ready to receive new programming that is installed to create a new inner and outer reality, reconnecting the aura to the divine power of Father God and Mother Goddess to live in a constant spiritual sensitivity.

The hundreds of therapists who are part of this tribe have received incredible testimonies of healings from all kinds for physical, emotional, psychological, and karmic ailments.


Benefits of the Astral Shakti Healing® Therapy

o   Take care of your feminine.

o   Rediscover your self-confidence and your feminine powers.

o   Letting go of past loves.

o   Heal and recover your eroticism.

o   Release trauma and/or sexual blockages.

o   Take care of your couple or attract your matching partner.

o   Nurture your relationship with the masculine and feminine poles of the universe.

o   Activate your sexual magnetism and attract blessings.

o   Connect to the power of your orgasms.

o   Purify and activate your different multidimensional bodies.

o   Activate and refine your extrasensory perception.

o   Develop the ability to astral travel at will.

o   Programming material realities from the astral plane.

o   Awaken and manifest the Goddess within you!



Modalities: remotely - Duration: 90 minutes



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