What is Reiki?
"Trust the process, you do not need to know how it works, only that it does."- Hazel Butterworth.
Reiki is a healing technique of Japanese origin set up in the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, supplemented by later contributions from the first initiates.
It is a relaxation technique and at the same time a therapeutic practice. Reiki is a method of natural health, a soft medicine, which allows healing in-depth of the body and the spirit.
Also called KI, this energy has taken different names depending on the country, culture, religion, and tradition. Therefore, in Chinese, it is called Chi, Light for Christianity, Prana for Hindus, and Bioenergy for science. Reiki means Universal Energy, the life force of life.
It is also a way to access meditation and to grant yourself the privilege of being in communion with your deepest Self.
Reiki is the art of channeling the vital energy of the Universe and then transmitting it by laying hands on the body.
The Reiki practitioner becomes a channel through which the energy passes to bring the receiver what he needs during the session in particular and in his life in general.
Reiki is a powerful approach to personal, professional, and spiritual development.
Benefits of Reiki:
o Brings a supplement of energy that re-harmonizes and revitalizes the body.
o Reduces stress, calms, and relaxes deeply.
o Promotes relaxation, and provides peace, joy, and serenity.
o Relieves pain (muscular, joint, chronic…).
o Stimulates the body's self-regulation and self-healing processes.
o Strengthens the ability to recover from trauma.
o Corrects physical and emotional imbalances by releasing the root causes of emotional blockages stored in cellular memory.
o It eliminates toxins, purifies, and strengthens the organs.
o Strengthens the immune system.
o Optimizes the effectiveness of medical treatment (especially for serious illnesses).
o Accelerates all spiritual work and personal evolution when meditating with Reiki.
o Heals past traumas when undertaking long-term work.
o The Energy has its intelligence and adapts to the real needs of the receiver.
o Facilitates concentration.
o Acts on animals, plants, and the planet.
This therapy is available in English, French and Spanish