Sound Healing
“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed” - Mehtab Benton
The use of instruments like Tibetan bowls, drums, gongs, and therapeutic tuning forks forms the basis of sound healing therapy. Above all, the sound's production encourages a state of mental calm, which enables your body to start mending itself. Because water makes up most of every cell in the body, the high-frequency vibrations of these instruments affect those cells to bring about the desired healing.
Benefits of sound therapy include
Muscle relaxation, emotional discharge, and relaxation.
Painkilling benefits.
Better concentration skills.
The immune system is strengthened.
An elevated mood.
Harmonization of the physical, mental, and energy bodies.
Better digestion and sleep.
The growth of creativity.
Modalities: in person - Duration: 30 to 90 minutes