Holistic Healing

"The road to healing is a beautiful and timeless journey. It takes work to get there, but every step is worth it."- Unknown

During the session, the holistic treatment considers your entire Being. I provide an intuitive energy treatment in which I primarily use Reiki in conjunction with crystals, mantras, shamanic healing, channeling, sound, chakra therapy, and a conversational time to best accompany you in your healing process.

This can be a one-time or recurring treatment. Your participation in the healing process is critical.

The benefits of the Holistic Healing:

o   Regain self-confidence and power and reconcile and integrate your ego.

o   Promotes relaxation provides peace, joy, and serenity, and reduces stress

o   Relieves pain (muscular, joint, chronic…).

o   Optimizes the effectiveness of medical treatment (especially for serious illnesses).

o   Healing of emotional trauma.

o   Harmonizing and balancing the chakras.

o   Discover your healing tools.

o   Release trauma or sexual blockages.

o   Purify and activate your different multidimensional bodies.

o   Heals past traumas and releases old memories when undertaking long-term work.


Modalities: in person or remotely - Duration: 30 to 90 minutes


Sound Healing


What is Shamanic Healing?